Monday, October 8, 2012

'Ole Joe Biden In Intense Prep For Debate

This just in!! A snapshot of Old Joe, who is in seclusion right now for debate training, prep work, Wheaties, Flinstones vitamin therapy, and a good ole' oil job for the hamster wheel...

'Ole Joe, 'Ole Joe . . . Gonna show 'em you're not no shmo? . . . We know, 'Ole Joe, you will try to steal the show . . . You'll crack some jokes 'n insult some blokes 'n pretend you're just plain folks . . . But 'Ole Joe, dear Joe . . . as much as you may shift 'n spin . . . In the end, 'Ole Joe . . . there's just no way that you can win. . . Poor Joe, 'Ole Joe, you've been on the stage too long . . . and the tune you croon doesn't make us swoon, 'cause it ain't America's song!

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