Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney: Obama Has No Plan For America's Future

I just think the American people had expected that the President of the United States would be able to describe what he's going to do in the next four years, but he can't. He can't even explain what he's done in the last four years.” – Mitt Romney

Chesapeake, Virginia

October 17, 2012

Click Here To Watch Mitt Romney

MITT ROMNEY: “Now, I have to be honest with you. I love these debates. You know, these things are great and I think it's interesting that the President still doesn't have an agenda for a second term. Don't you think that it's time for him to finally put together a vision of what he'd do in the next four years if he were elected? I mean, he's got to come up with that over this weekend because there's only one debate left on Monday. And I just think the American people had expected that the President of the United States would be able to describe what he's going to do in the next four years, but he can't. He can't even explain what he's done in the last four years. I mean, he's spends most of his time trying to talk about how my plan won't work. Well, what about his plan? We know his plan has not worked. And last night there were a lot of people asking questions, and I think they deserve some answers on a number of fronts.”

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