Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ryan: Gotta Stop Spending Ourselves Into Debt

“We need to recognize once and for all that we can't keep spending money we just don't have. We have got to get spending and the size of government under control. Look, the choice is this: Do we limit the size of our government, or do we limit the growth of our economy? Mitt Romney and I believe we need to limit government so our economy can grow. That’s why we're going to tackle this debt problem.” – Paul Ryan

Moon Township, Pennsylvania
October 20, 2012

Click Here To Watch Paul Ryan

PAUL RYAN: “We need to recognize once and for all that we can't keep spending money we just don't have. We have got to get spending and the size of government under control. Look, the choice is this: Do we limit the size of our government, or do we limit the growth of our economy? Mitt Romney and I believe we need to limit government so our economy can grow. That’s why we're going to tackle this debt problem. We have enormous challenges in this country. The President has continued to kick the can down the road. The President has continued to be the most partisan president. This is the third president I have served with. It’s the most partisan one I have ever known. We are not going to duck these tough issues. We are going to run at our country's economic and fiscal problems before they get out of our control. That’s what leaders do. And when you look at the engine of economic growth and job creation in this country, it's small businesses. It’s risk takers. It’s entrepreneurs. It’s the workers that work overtime to make those small businesses work and succeed. We’re going to champion these small businesses. We’re not going to keep taxing these small businesses and regulating them and spending us into a debt crisis.”

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