Saturday, October 6, 2012

The First Debate: What Really Happened To Obama

I am astounded at how far liberals will go to try to explain away or excuse President Obama's debate performance.
They say he was bored during the debate -- because he's so smart that he really doesn't see the need to engage all that much with others. It's a turn-off for him.
They say it may have been the high altitude in Colorado.
They posit that Obama's just a more contemplative guy. He's a really deep thinker who simply can't shoot off responses in rapid-fire order.
They say he wanted to be nice and that's why he didn't fire back at Romney. Obama is just too, too nice -- too congenial, too kind, too civil. Yes, he's such a sweet guy, he knows no other way.
They say Obama had his mind on something else -- something he can't tell us about, probably a very, very, very important threat to our nation or impending action or national intelligence matter that we'll find out about later. This, they say caused him to be distracted.
They say that it's all our fault. We just don't understand Obama. We don't get it that he needs to take time to thoroughly explain the problems we face and how hard he's tried and how his programs really are succeeding. And the debate format just doesn't allow for that, even though he did his best within those confines.
Yes, they say an awful lot. And they keep saying it.
And it isn't just about Obama.
They're so pissed at what happened that they're now name-calling. They say Romney's a liar. They call Romney a bully. They say he's disrespectful. They even say Romney used a "cheat sheet" during the debate.
All preposterous.
Here's what I say: Obama blew it. Mr. Cool thought he had it in the bag. He was overconfident. He didn't thoroughly prepare. He felt he could wing it. He underestimated Romney and overestimated his own adeptness. Obama was convinced he would never have to break a sweat. And so he didn't. And no one could (or would) tell Obama anything different.
And I honestly doubt whether or not Obama even realized he was losing. He was that high on himself, that confident, that smug. Yes -- he was that arrogant.
Obama appeared aloof and condescending because he was -- and is. He was bothered that he even had to go toe-to-toe with Romney -- someone who he truly does not like and regards as beneath him.
Does it surprise you that Obama has delusions of grandiosity? It shouldn't.
He's quite taken with himself (a symptom of deep-seated insecurity, to be sure).
This is an old and familiar trait with Obama.
This man has even boasted to members of the media that he believes "his own b.s." And he believed it again on Wednesday evening.
Well, I was a high school and college debater and I've written thousands of speeches and have taught writing, rhetoric and public speaking all my life. And here's what I know:
1) You can't fake it. People say they feel like they're naked when they get up to speak because they really are. There's no place to hide. The real you is there for everyone to see.
2) You can't speak without a theme and a purpose. You have to know what you want to say, how you hope to say it and what you want the audience to think, feel or do after you're finished speaking.
3) You can't stumble and mumble and think out loud or try to make it up as you go. That won't work. You have to be ready and you have to have your wits about you.
4) You must maintain eye contact with your audience and, in a debate you must acknowledge, make eye contact with and engage your opponent.
5) You've got to practice. Public speaking is a performance. That's what the audience expects. They expect you to perform. They expect you to be prepared. And they have every right to expect that. When you don't perform, you insult the audience. You let them down.
Obama failed on each and every one of these.
Every one of them.
He was unable to stand and deliver.
He lacked focus.
He was inarticulate.
He was slow, plodding, meandering.
He remained strangely detached.
He never produced the goods.
He let us down -- again!

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