Saturday, October 27, 2012

Top Ten Things You Can Do To Help Romney Win

From the Independence Hall Tea Party Association and Radio talk show hots Dom Giordano at the Big Talker, 1210 radio in Philadelphia here are the Top Ten Things you can do to help elect Mitt Romney:
10. Put up a Romney/Ryan yard sign.
9. Attend Romney/Ryan Rallies or Fund Raising Events/Donate Money.
8. Talk up Romney/Ryan on talk radio--especially left leaning programs.
7. Post Romney/Ryan articles on the net; write letters to the editor.
6. Canvass your neighborhood/lit drop churches (especially Catholic) for Romney/Ryan.
5. Convince five family/friends/neighbors to vote Romney/Ryan and make sure they do it.
4. Volunteer at Romney/Ryan Victory Center to help get out the vote.
3. Drive elderly/disabled Romney/Ryan voters to the polls.
2. Participate in Election Day Poll Watching to reduce voter fraud.
1. Vote for Romney/Ryan on Election Day or by Absentee Ballot.

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