Sunday, October 14, 2012

Video: Biden's 85 Debate Interruptions? Not New!

At the vice presidential debate Joe Biden actually interrupted Paul Ryan 85 times. It was nauseating. But it wasn't new. Here's an important thing to remember: Joe Biden's been a windy gas-bag for a long, long time. He has no time to listen to anybody else or even to pay attention to what someone else might have said or written or thought. He's always had little regard for real ideas or thoughtful discussion or real solutions. And he's always had a ridiculously high opinion of himself and a low regard for anyone who tried to get in his way.
He's been running for office (AND running for president) f-o-r-e-v-e-r! He loves the sound of his own voice. He's into theatrics, confrontation, in-you-face intimidation and demagoguery. This is his forte. Don't believe it? Look at the video below from 1988. That's 24 years ago!

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