Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Video: US Teenagers Speak Out For Founding Principles

This is a dramatic and compelling video -- a video that should reach into the heart and soul of every American, of everyone who cares about justice, liberty, our treasured values and the future of our country.
The teenagers who speak in this video belong to a special group -- a group that expresses a sincere, informed, inspiring hope for the future. We defy you to watch them and not be moved.
They wish they could vote, but they can't They are part of  http://www.im2moro.org. These young people realize that if they don't stand up and speak out for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness today, they will be living in a very different America tomorrow.
Will you help them?
Will you remember their plea?
Will you spread the word to your friends.
Will you help to secure their future and the promise of the American Dream?

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