Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Will This Election Be A Repeat Of 1980? Barone's View

Respected political analyst Michael C. Rainone thinks we may be witnessing "a slow-motion repeat" of the 1980 election via a swing of affluent suburbs to Romney. Here are some excerpts:
A pro-Romney affluent swing is confirmed by the internals of some national polls. The 2008 exit poll showed Obama narrowly carrying voters with incomes over $75,000. Post-debate Pew Research and Battleground polls have shown affluent suburbanite Romney carrying them by statistically significant margins.
In particular, college-educated women seem to have swung toward Romney since Oct. 3. He surely had them in mind in the foreign policy debate when he kept emphasizing his hopes for peace and pledged no more wars like Iraq and Afghanistan. . . .
But also keep in mind that Romney gained not just from style but from fundamentals. Most voters dislike Obama's domestic policies and are dissatisfied with the sluggish economy. And now they seem to believe have an alternative with presidential stature.
Click here to read more.

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