Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Act Now: Tell Your Governor To Resist Obamacare

Here is a special message from Eagle Forum:

This Friday, November 16th was the deadline for governors to tell the federal government whether they will set up state-run health exchanges or allow the federal government to set up federal exchanges in the state.  President Obama extended the deadline to December 14th, hoping more governors would cooperate with ObamaCare. We need you to call your governor today to urge him or her to resist ObamaCare by refusing to set up a state-run exchange.
As Twila Brase, president of the Minnesota-based Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, informed us at our annual Eagle Council gathering in September, states that wish to stand up to ObamaCare have three options. 
They can:
  1. Refuse to respond to the HHS request for an update regarding their health insurance exchange intentions,
  2. Respond that they will not implement an exchange, as there is nothing statutory compelling them to do so, or
  3. Allow the HHS to implement an exchange, and be as passive as possible, offering no assistance as the HHS pursues implementation in their state.
As Brase noted, “States should not tie themselves to an annualized operational expense estimated to be between $10 and $100 million per year, when the expense does nothing to help and everything to hurt citizens.” Brase concluded, “States must assert their own sovereignty and stand up for the health, privacy and pocketbooks of their citizens.”
Last week, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, Chairman of the Republican Governors Association, chose the third option, allowing HHS to implement a federal exchange.  McDonnell took a stand against the massive burden ObamaCare would impose on the people of Virginia when he declared, “I don’t believe the federal government can possibly deliver its commitment to fully fund the program, and I don’t want to be part of contributing trillions of dollars to the national debt.”
Take Action!
Click here for a map showing each governor’s current position on the state exchanges.
Please take a moment to contact your governor’s office and tell them how you feel regardless of their position, expressing thanks and support for resiting ObamaCare or outrage for going along with it. 
Click here to find your governor’s contact information, and urge him or her to resist ObamaCare by refusing to set up a state run exchange.  It is important that your governors know you support them in passively resisting ObamaCare’s very aggressive federal intrusion on state sovereignty!
Note:  The Republican Governors Association is holding meetings today through this Friday.  If your Republican governor has already taken the right stand on this issue, be sure to thank them and encourage them to urge their Republican colleagues from other states to hold the line.

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