Saturday, November 10, 2012

An Open Letter To Democrat, Liberal Friends

An Open Letter To Democrat, Liberal Friends

Dear Friends:
President Obama won the election.
And this victory is yours.
Mitt Romney has congratulated you. Paul Ryan has congratulated you. And both have commended you and your candidate.
Speaker of the House John Boehner has reached out to the president, declaring: "President Obama, this is your moment."
And right here on this blog, I promptly conceded and wished you the best. And I reiterate that now.
As I said on election night, enjoy your victory, savor it, take time to celebrate. You earned it. It's yours.
But something strange is happening.
Now I'm finding that for many of you, the victory doesn't seem to be enough. 
Yes, even when you win, some of you never really seem to be happy. 
Your thirst for combat and need to offer unsolicited criticism and advice has not waned. You still want to deride the opposition. And while still seemingly enforcing groupthink in your own party, you also apparently want to tell the OTHER party what to do. 
So now we're getting daily advice from Democrats and liberals on how to "fix" the Republican Party -- a party that came within two percentage points of defeating a sitting president who was barely able to gain 50% of the vote. This is the only re-elected president in modern American history who gained significantly fewer votes in his second try for the office then he did in his first -- six million fewer votes at last count.
Considering this, one would think you'd be breathing a sigh of relief, kicking back and lifting a chilled martini or at least a cold beer.
But, no. You're intent on meddling instead.
So now there's all the carping from Democrats about the Republican's Party's inability to win minority votes, specifically Hispanic votes. Yet, the Republican Party counts two Hispanic Governors among its members and two Governors of Indian descent. The Democrat Party? None!
And let's take the longer view here for a moment.
In truth, Republicans have won FAR MORE presidential elections than the Democrats have (23 vs. 16) and have elected more presidents (16 vs. 9) than the Democrats have. And this fact remains true even over the past half-century.
Plus, President Obama remains only the second Democrat president to have been re-elected in nearly 70 years. In that same time, four Republicans have been re-elected and two of them (Eisenhower and Reagan) remain in the top tier of presidents ever, as rated by historians.
You see, Democrats -- You've still got some catching up to do.
And you're hardly in a position to write the book on how to win and/or how to govern.
Which only means that you should be tending to your own affairs and stop meddling in ours. 
So, enjoy your victory, celebrate your newly-elected leader and plan how you intend to proceed from here but please, please, please stop advising us on what we should do.
The Republican Party will be just fine, thank you!
PS - This message also goes out to all the Democrats and liberal blabbermouths who dominate the mainstream media as well. 

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