Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Congratulations To President Obama And Followers

Having been involved in politics all my life, I learned a long time ago that it can break your heart. It's not simply a game. It's real. And elections have consequences that impact real people in their everyday lives. 
My heart aches tonight for all the good, honest, dedicated citizens who poured their hearts and souls into a sincere and forthright effort on behalf of a good, and decent man who they truly believed in. They are ordinary people, just like you. 
To the winners, I ask that going forward you try to understand the opposing side's point of view as they are as much a part of this country as you are and they love their country no less than you do. You will need them to govern, and yes -- to succeed. 
And to those who won, I say, yes -- I know how you feel for thankfully I have felt that great thrill of victory in these contests many times myself. Enjoy the moment; celebrate your victory. 
To President Obama and all his followers, I offer my congratulations on your triumph after a long, arduous and hard-fought campaign. There is much unfinished business to deal with but for now you can savor and celebrate this moment. Lift a toast, bask in it, raise a lil hell if you wish and always, always Believe in America!

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