Saturday, November 3, 2012

Here's How To Solve The Clock-Turning Madness

Congress has been playing around with daylight savings time (DST) in recent years.
So, once again we are "falling back" a bit later this year.
That's why you must turn your clock back one hour before before bedtime tonight, Saturday.
And this is why you will turn it forward again in the spring.
This also means you have to reset all of those pesky digital clocks on various devices all over your house. But, you do gain an hour of sleep.
Hey, I love DST and wish we could have it all year round - which makes this ritual even more of a nuisance.
This is what happens when you let the federal government mess around with the time.
I have a solution for this twice-a-year time madness: Let's set the clocks ahead (or behind) one-half-hour and leave them there.
It's a permanent compromise. In the fall, leave the clocks where they are.
Next spring, no change.
That oughta do it, right?

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