Tuesday, November 13, 2012

NJ Thanks Home Depot For Generous Storm Help

The Christie Administration today thanked home improvement retailer Home Depot for donating cleaning supplies and tools to Middletown and Jersey City residents affected by destruction from Hurricane Sandy. Delivery trucks full of supplies stopped at Croydon Hall in the Leonardo section of Middletown and the Jersey City Emergency Operations Center in Jersey City today and were greeted by Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno, who helped unload the rakes, shovels, work gloves, trash bags and cleaning supplies.

“For families recovering from and cleaning-up after Hurricane Sandy’s devastation, these supplies are important to help regain some sense of normalcy,” said Lt. Governor Guadagno. “It’s easy for homeowners and residents to feel overwhelmed by the task before us, but Home Depot’s donation will hopefully make the burden of restoring our homes and communities just a little lighter.”

The donation, made by the Home Depot Foundation, is part of a one million dollar immediate relief and long-term rebuilding effort by the Atlanta-based company. Team Depot, the retailer’s volunteer force, is working with local authorities and nonprofit groups to assess damage and mobilize volunteer teams for cleanup activities.

“Our hearts go out to the communities, families and our own associates who are dealing with the effects of Superstorm Sandy,” said Kelly Caffarelli, president, The Home Depot Foundation. “We pledge to be there for the long haul as communities begin recovering and rebuilding. We will use the knowledge and expertise we have gained from responding to other large scale disasters to deploy our funds and volunteers with maximum impact.

Individuals who wish to donate to New Jersey’s recovery effort are encouraged to call 1-855-NJDONATE (1-855-653-6628).

“Many companies and individuals from New Jersey and from around the nation have stepped up in our state’s time of need by offering financial donations, goods, services and manpower. From large-scale efforts to individual acts of kindness, we are truly grateful for the outpouring of support we have received as New Jersey continues to recover from the effects of Hurricane Sandy,” continued Lt. Governor Guadagno.

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