Saturday, November 3, 2012

Obsessed With Loins: Team Obama's Main Focus

LOIN OBSESSION - Have you noticed? The Democrats seem to have an obsession with loins. Consider the following:
1) An pro Obama ad asked women to "vote with your lady parts."
2) Another pro Obama ad featuring a young actress compared voting for the first time to losing your virginity to "the right guy".
3) Democrats have been happy to wage a campaign with major platform planks apparently focused on vagina-related issues. Some have even called their approach the new "vagina monologues".
4) In a recent speech Vice President Biden told a crowd "I'm gonna give you the full load today" and in other speeches he has talked about President Obama having "a big stick".
5) Obama guru David Axelrod yesterday commented on Obama's final campaign speeches, saying: “You can see in the speech that he’s delivering that this is coming from his loins.”
Nothing like a full, civilized, elevated dialogue, hmmm?

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