Friday, November 23, 2012

Rubio Soars To Win As Your Choice For 2016

Marco Rubio has soared to victory as the undisputed choice of Dan Cirucci Blog visitors for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
We opened the balloting in our poll just after the November 6 election and our unscientific sample shows that our readers are ready for Rubio. In fact, it wasn't even close.
Rubio was the clear winner with 38% of the vote followed by Palin with 15%, then Christie with 7%, Jeb Bush at 6%, Ron Paul at 5% and Condoleezza Rice and Paul Ryan at 4% each.
All of the other potential candidates listed received 3% or less.
It says something about Rubio's broad appeal that he was able to swamp all other potential candidates. He darted out to a lead at the beginning of the poll and kept that lead the whole way through.
And you'll also not that Democrats and liberals have already started to disparage Rubio and try to trick him into making fatal errors. But this guy just seems to be a natural -- loaded with smarts, political acumen, sensitivity, an endearing personality and a high likability factor.
Be sure of this: He will need all of these and more to fend off other GOP challengers and the murderous liberal media -- and we have a l-o-n-g way to go to 2016.

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