Sunday, December 16, 2012

Noonan: Romney Defeat 'A Gift' To Republicans

Peggy Noonan, writing in the Wall Street Journal has given republicans something to think about as the party and its followers approach the new year. Here's an excerpt:
Viewed a certain way, the 2012 election can be seen as a gift to Republicans wrapped in ugly paper. The wrapping looked like a hostage note with a message scrawled in crayon: "We hate you." But inside was a gift, and the gift was time. The party was given the opportunity, when it is still strong, to hold the kind of fresh, open-the-windows debate it would have been forced to have in 2016 anyway, and in less favorable conditions. . . .
Right now everyone's open to the idea of change. The party can either go the way of the Whigs or they can straighten up and fly right, get serious, make their philosophy feel new again, and pick candidates who can win.
But party leaders should start making their new arguments now. There's no reason to wait, no benefit in it. Everything moves faster now. There's no particular need to let positions evolve, because they've already been quietly evolving for years, though people didn't always feel free to say so. There are many disagreements in the GOP, but they've not always been aired. For the past 10 years the party has operated under an ethic of Questioning the Team Is Disloyal, Dissent Is Disloyal, as Is Criticism.
This has been a recipe not for peace but for disaster. Which is what we saw on Nov. 6.
Click here to read the entire column.

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