Friday, January 25, 2013

Christie Announces Extension Of FEMA Program

The Christie Administration today alerted residents displaced by Hurricane Sandy that the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) Program has been extended at the Administration’s request for an additional 14 days to the end of February 8, 2013. The extension means eligible people can receive TSA assistance through February 8 with a check-out date of February 9, 2013.

“I want to thank FEMA for extending the Transitional Sheltering Assistance Program so that New Jerseyans displaced by Sandy can continue to stay in participating hotels and motels, especially during this bitter winter weather,” said Governor Christie. “Working to find more permanent, safe housing for displaced families will continue to be a top priority of this Administration.”

FEMA activated its TSA program in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy at Governor Christie’s request. The program allows eligible survivors who cannot return to their homes because of damage caused by the storm to stay in participating hotels or motels until more suitable housing is available.

“In cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Human Services and the American Red Cross, my staff and I are committed to helping connect families still in the TSA program with the case management and social services needed to move them into permanent housing,” said New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Commissioner Richard E. Constable, III.

As of today, approximately 1,500 Sandy-displaced New Jersey residents are being housed through the TSA program. Individuals and households may be eligible for TSA if they register with FEMA for assistance; pass identity verification; have a primary residence located in a geographic area that is designated for TSA; and are displaced from their residence.

Individuals who have questions regarding their eligibility should contact the FEMA helpline at 1-800-621-3362 (FEMA).

To register with FEMA, call the phone number listed above or visit on the Internet.

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