Friday, January 11, 2013

Christie's Poll Numbers Hitting Stratospheric Level

The Kean University / NJ Speaks poll of 1,000 likely voters is just out and it's got great news for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
It found that 78 percent of poll respondents approve of Chrisite – including a whopping 70 percent of Democrats.
According to Dr. Terry Golway, director of the Kean University Center for History, Politics, and Policy, “The governor is approaching rock star status.” 
And a significant number of those polled strongly approve of Christie. In fact, 40 percent said they strongly approve of Christie’s performance while 38 percent somewhat approved. Only 20 percent disapproved.
How do Christie's possible Democrat opponents match up against him?
Well, let's just say the figures are not encouraging.
State Sen. Barbara Buono (the only major Democrat who has declared her candidacy) trails Christie by 55 percent to 22 percent. Former Acting Governor and now State Sen. Richard Codey, who is weighing a run, trails Christie by 23 points, 53 percent to 28 percent. And Senate President Stephen Sweeney, who is also considering running is the worst performer of the whole pack, trailing Christie by 39 points – 58 percent to 19 percent. Sweeney just doesn't seem to have the sort of name recognition to be a serious contender. 
Who can the Democrats run against Christie?
Your guess is as good as ours.

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