Monday, January 7, 2013

Kean: NJ Dems' 'Temper Tantrums' Must End

New Jersey State Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean Jr. issued the following response to Senate Democrats’ press conference this afternoon:
For the first time in recent memory, New Jerseyans are optimistic about the direction of our state.
This happened with Republican leadership focusing on the basics: restoring fiscal discipline to government, holding the line on taxes, and improving the climate for the private sector to grow our economy and create jobs.
Senate Democrats’ relentless focus on wedge issue politics and picking fights with the Governor isn’t just a waste of time, it’s counterproductive. It has prevented us from finding common ground on issues like the minimum wage, thrown our judiciary into chaos, and left common-sense ideas to improve education untouched.
The people of New Jersey are tired of these temper tantrums because they poison the well of cooperation and grind government to a halt.
Republicans will continue to focus on moving our state forward by getting government back to the basics that will secure a strong economy and affordable state for years to come. We welcome Senate Democrats to join us when they’re done yelling at the Governor for the umpteenth time and accusing him of praying for a natural disaster.

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