Friday, January 25, 2013

Mitt, Ann Romney In DC Now For 'Social' Visit

Mitt and Ann Romney have arrived in Washington today. 
According to those close to Governor Romney, here's what's up:

“Gov. Romney will attend a private lunch Friday at the J.W. Marriott co-hosted by Bill Marriott and Catherine Reynolds, who have invited some of their friends who supported Gov. Romney in the presidential election.

“Gov. Romney and his wife, Ann, are also looking forward to attending the Alfalfa Club dinner on Saturday night.

“This is a social visit, not a political trip. Gov. Romney has deliberately avoided injecting himself into the political discussion while President Obama laid out his agenda and congressional leaders responded. As events unfold, Gov. Romney will speak out more on the issues of the day, including the need to create jobs and restore economic prosperity and how best America can maintain its leadership position in the world.”

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