Sunday, January 13, 2013

'No Pants' Subway Ride Today In Philly - 3 PM

Here's a special message from Philadelphia's Urban Playground group:

Hello fellow adventurer!

The time is upon us again to drop pants and inspire laughter in Philadelphia! This Sunday will be the 12th Annual No Pants Subway Ride, started by Improv Everywhere in 2002 in New York City. My name is Richard Furstein and I'll be coordinating the Philly event on behalf of Urban Playground.

Event Details:
When: Sunday, January, 13th, 3:00PM - 5:00PM
Where: Meeting at domino game pieces at plaza near Broad & Arch Streets
Have: Clean pair of decent underwear (that you're wearing) under pants or other removable clothing covering your bottom half. Please no thongs or other barely-there underwear. Optional bag/briefcase to carry pants in. Token for subway ride.
RSVP & invite your friends!https

We'll go over the details in person before departure on Sunday. You can also read them at the Facebook Event listing. If you are press or plan on taking photos/video, please be discreet and save any interviews for after the ride.

See you Sunday!

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