Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Obama Preaches Women's Lib, Appoints Mostly Men

Excerpts from a story in the New York Times about how the Obama Administration appointments skew predominantly male:
In an Oval Office meeting on Dec. 29, 10 of President Obama’s top economic advisers stood before him discussing the heated fiscal negotiations. Every one was a man.
In the days since, Mr. Obama has put together a national security team dominated by men, with Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts nominated to replace Hillary Rodham Clinton as the secretary of state, Chuck Hagel chosen to be the defense secretary and John O. Brennan nominated as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Given the leading contenders for other top jobs, including chief of staff and Treasury secretary, Mr. Obama’s second-term inner circle appears likely to be dominated by men.
The skew [toward male appointees] was widespread: male appointees under Mr. Obama outnumbered female appointees at 11 of the 15 federal departments, for instance. It occurred at all levels of government service, from the highest-level advisers on down. In some cases, the skew was also deep. At the Departments of Justice, Defense, Veterans Affairs and Energy, male appointees outnumbered female appointees by about two to one . . . in the White House, there are 6 women with top-rank salaries, compared with 14 men, according to a 2012 report to Congress.

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