Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Report: Hagel Scared Staffers Away In Droves

The Washington Times has a revealing article about the members of Congress that staffers least like to work for. These are the veritable Tyrants of The Hill.
Here's what it says about about Chuck Hagel, the man who President Obama has nominated to be our next Secretary of defense:
It’s not the company Chuck Hagel wants to find himself among as senators consider his nomination to be defense secretary. Yet during the Republican’s tenure as a senator from Nebraska through 2009, his office’s turnover rate ranked second-highest of any in the past decade.
In 2005, 20 of 51 staffers left Mr. Hagel's office, the vast majority of whom left Capitol Hill altogether and were replaced quickly by people with no legislative staff experience. . .
“He was ‘The Cornhusker wears Prada’ to his staff, some of whom describe their former boss as perhaps the most paranoid and abusive in the Senate,one who would rifle through staffers’ desks and berate them for imagined disloyalty,” former Pentagon adviser Michael Rubin told political analyst Taylor Marsh about Mr. Hagel.
Click here to read the full article.

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