Saturday, January 26, 2013

Romney To Stay Involved, Help Candidates

Mitt Romney has told friends and supporters that he's "not going away."
During a quick visit to Washington this weekend Romney explained that he has deliberately stayed out of the spotlight since November's election in part because he didn't want to be a distraction during the fiscal cliff crisis and negotiations.
But Romney said people should not interpret this to mean he's not interested in the future of the country or the fate of the GOP.
Romney says he will work for Republican candidates this year and in 2014 and 2016 and he will be speaking out once again. But Romney also reportedly made it clear he will not be seeking office again.
Who will Romney be supporting and when? One would guess that he will now be totally free to pick and choose candidates and that he will remember those who were kindly disposed toward and indeed loyal to him during the campaign. And presumably he will not forget those who disappointed him or who came up short during the campaign.
About 100 people (including Paul Ryan) were at the event with the Romneys in Washington. Surely those people can count themselves among those who will continue to enjoy Mitt and Ann Romney's friendship and goodwill.

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