Monday, January 7, 2013

Sweeney's Latest Salvo At Christie Way Out Of Line

New Jersey State Senate President Steve Sweeney says Governor Chris Christie's "jobs package is storm" and adds that Christie "prayed a lot and got lucky a storm [superstorm Sandy] came.'

Now, Senator Joe Kyrillos (R- Monmouth) has issued the following reaction in response to the Senate President’s statement that Governor Christie “prayed a lot and got lucky a storm came”:

My constituents were among the most devastated by Sandy, and I count the Governor as a close friend. The notion that he would wish that storm upon anyone for political gain is absurd and way out of line.

The Chris Christie I know and that the people of New Jersey know is a man who responded with strength and compassion to the storm and ongoing recovery efforts. Only the most blind partisan would ever contemplate thinking, let alone saying out loud, that the Governor prayed for the destruction Sandy wrought.

The anger and vitriol coming from Democrats directed at this Governor simply because he won an election needs to end.

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