Friday, January 4, 2013

Tea Party Implores Boehner: Please, Stop Crying!

Following is a special message from the Independence Hall Tea Association:

Dear Members and Friends,
While Governor Mitt Romney did not defeat President Obama (although he performed much better in PA than John McCain did four years ago) and Tom Smith (R-PA) did not defeat Senator Casey (although he performed much better than Rick Santorum did six years ago), our PAC not only helped to re-elect every single Republican Congressional incumbent in the tri-state region--we helped elect a new conservative Republican Congressman in Pennsylvania--Keith Rothfus.
We received the following letter from newly elected Congressman Keith Rothfus (R-12). Congressman Rothfus was sworn-in, yesterday, along with all of our 2012 endorsed NJ and PA Republican Congressional incumbents.

November 20, 2012

Dear Independence Hall Tea Party PAC,

Thank you very much for your recent contribution.

With your help I was able to achieve victory and win the congressional seat for Pennsylvania 12th District.

The road ahead is bound to be rough, but I am ready to fight in order to Re-light America.

I am not going to Washington to manage the decline of America, but rather fight for a prosperous future for generations to come.

Thank you again for your help, and I look forward to serving in the people's House.

Keith Rothfus

(Congressman Rothfus thanks you and our board thanks you!  Your donations helped make this happen!)

We congratulate Keith Rothfus and the entire tri-state Republican delegation on yesterday's inauguration and official admission to the 113th Congress!
And while we opposed Thursday's re-election of Congressman John Boehner (R-OH) as speaker of the House, we acknowledge his victory and pray he has learned valuable lessons from his first two years serving in that capacity.
We do have a piece of advice for Speaker Boehner. Going forward, please control your emotions and stop shedding tears. Your weepy displays are unseemly, inappropriate, and embarrassing--a definite sign of weakness.
Such behavior, repeatedly caught on camera, does not instill confidence in your leadership which is critical for carrying forth staunch opposition to one of the most tenacious and radical collectivist presidents in our nation's history.
On a positive note, the PAC Board would like to thank Treasurer Carol Reighn for her tremendous hard work during this past election cycle! As Treasurer, Carol bears an enormous responsibility and our PAC Board is extremely grateful for her dedication.
On behalf of the PAC Board of Delegates,

Don Adams

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