Monday, January 14, 2013

Why Is City Footing Bill For Nutter Inaugural Posse?

Philly Mayor Michael Nutter (who has been a very visible and vocal Obamaton) will attend President Obama's second Inauguration on Monday.
Nutter is President of the US Conference of Mayor so he will be in the city for that group's gathering anyway and his expenses will be paid by the USCM. Fine.
But news reports say the City of Philadelphia will foot the bill for the expenses of Nutter staffers Terry Gillen, director of federal affairs, Tumar Alexander, the administration’s Council liaison and Desiree Peterkin-Bell, city representative and director of communications. And the city will also pick up the tab for two cops from the mayor's security detail who will also attend the event. That's five attendees in all, in addition to the mayor.
And, guess what? The city has no estimate at this time as to how much this will cost.

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