Thursday, February 28, 2013

A First! NJ Latino Alliance Endorses GOP's Christie

The Latino Leadership Alliance PAC (LLA-PAC), the political arm of the Latino Leadership Alliance of NJ (LLANJ) offered an historic endorsement today of Governor Christie's re-election campaign. The traditionally Democrat-leaning group, and most prominent Latino organization in New Jersey, previously backed Democrat Jon Corzine in 2009 and has never before backed a Republican candidate for any statewide office. Additionally, the Alliance has never endorsed a gubernatorial candidate of either party with the full, unanimous backing.

Today's important endorsement is a clear indication that Governor Christie understands the importance of building and incorporating all coalitions in order to better solve today's issues. Our shared prosperity, not only in the state of New Jersey, but in our great country, lies not only in our industries and our businesses but also in our great diversity. It is important that Republicans, as a national party, continue to forge these partnerships in our communities in order to make our party as diverse as the population it seeks to represent.

“We are heartened that we finally have a Governor who is truly committed to
ensuring that New Jersey government is as diverse as the State's population...
The Governor is effective because he has been able to set aside rigid partisan
political boundaries to address the needs of the people, from the victims of
Hurricane Sandy, to the needs of small businessmen and women. Governor
Christie has demonstrated without a doubt that he understands the needs of
the Latino community." - Martin PĂ©rez, President of the Latino Leadership Alliance of NJ

The Star Ledger: Christie says Republicans need to do more to appeal to Hispanic Voters
“It’s been the Republican Party that has always stood at the forefront of choice for parents on educational opportunity and it’s been the Republican Party that has always believed in the rights of the individual,” the governor said. “And that everyone here in the Latino community, a community that is steeped in faith, understands that our faith in the country comes from the power of the individual to be able to pursue their faith openly, vigorously, and in way they believe helps to build and strengthen their families.” see full article here

Politico: Chris Christie: Republicans Must Welcome Latinos
"Christie joins other Republicans who have called for the GOP to do more to include Latinos, which they view as a key constituency for elections...his message seems to have be met with open arms [as] he picked up a gubernatorial endorsement from Latino Leadership Alliance Political Action Committee..." read full article here

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