Thursday, February 28, 2013

About That CPAC 'Snub' Of Chris Christie . . .

Some people have been asking us what we think of CPAC's "snub" of Chris Christie inasmuch as the Governor has not been invited to address this year's Conservative Political Action Committee conference upcoming in Washington.
Well, we're not sure Christie was planning on attending CPAC in the first place. 
In any event, we don't think it's a big deal. 
It's CPAC's conference. They can invite (or not invite) who they want or don't want. When we think of CPAC we don't automatically think of Christie. We think of people like Ron Paul, Ted Cruz, Gingrich,  Palin, Santorum -- people like that. 
Yes,  we're goin to CPAC. Do we agree with everything they put out or embrace? Of course not. But they are a part of our set of beliefs and they are a part of the conservative cause. 
Course, we still love Christie and regard him as a conservative. 
But we also believe that "conservative" is big enough to embrace it all -- or should be.
It's far too early to debate which possible 2016 candidates will win the favor or conservatives.
This will all be sorted out in the next three years and in the primaries.
Christie's advantage is that he's proven that he can attract middle-of-the-road voters and Rs and Ds.
But Bush and Rubio can probably also attract middle-of--roaders. And there are also other Republicans who can do that
Ryan may be problematic only because he is now associated with a losing ticket. 
Fortunately, the GOP has a very strong bench coming up -- strong and diverse. 
The Republican Party is a strong, vibrant party and it's not about to wither away. 
On the other hand, the Dems have only two cards to play: Biden or Hillary; both old and overexposed 
(a couple of beat-up old boomer and pre-boomer/liberals). 
Christie needs to move to the center now to win NJ big. And he will. 
Then he will reposition himself if he decides to go to the Big Dance. It's all strategy (or strategery, as W called it). 
It'll all work itself out. 
The GOP will be fine.

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