Monday, February 4, 2013

Christie Calls On All To Observe Black History Month

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie released the following statement in recognition of Black History Month, which is observed during February.

"As we celebrate the beginning of Black History Month, we mark the anniversaries of two milestones that directly shaped the development and character of our nation -- the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, which set in motion the end to slavery in America, and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, where Dr. King delivered his ‘I Have A Dream’ speech. These were among the seminal moments in the struggle for freedom and racial equality that demonstrated the power of free will and the human spirit to bring about positive change in society and open the doors to personal achievement and opportunity for all.

“Hurdles remain, but we can take pride and build on our progress in confronting inequality, creating opportunity and respect and dignity for all Americans. Throughout this month, I encourage all New Jerseyans to explore the rich African-American history of New Jersey and our nation. I believe that in this history, each of us can rediscover a shared heritage regardless of race, gender or background."

Governor Christie also proclaimed February as “Black History Month” throughout New Jersey.

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