Friday, February 1, 2013

Edward I. Koch - A Giant Among Public Servants

Saddened upon hearing of the death of a true giant -- former NYC Mayor Ed Koch, one of the last of the fearlessly independent public servants who spoke his mind (and acted) courageously and with high integrity, Sitting here in NYC I am surrounded by the incredible accomplishments of this man. He was a person of great fortitude and I was proud to join him in supporting George W. Bush and other candidates -- Democrats, Republicans and independents. This is a tremendous loss. BTW: I am particularly reminded of this man today having seen the 1959 musical Fiorello! last night. Koch (and Giuliani) followed in the footsteps of LaGuardia. What a trio! What city wouldn't give its life to have even one of them as mayor -- even for a short time. THIS is why New York always has (and always will) stand head and shoulders above the rest.

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