Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Here's How You Can Fight Rampant Liberal Media Bias

Here's is a special message from the Media Research Center, America's media watchdog:

Hugo Chavez and his state-run media are no doubt taking notes from the American news media.

From the "Fast and Furious" gun-running scandal to the murder of four American diplomats in Benghazi, to the Obama Administration's disastrous economic policies and war on religious liberty, the liberal media have orchestrated an intricate censorship campaign designed to keep Americans in the dark about the most pressing issues facing our nation.

And we need to put a stop to this right now!

That's why The Media Research Center is launching the groundbreaking "Stop Censoring the News!" campaign.

And we hope we can count on you to join us.

Last fall, The MRC delivered 2.5 million petitions signed by concerned Americans to 30 so-called "news" media organizations demanding they Tell the Truth!

Our goal this year is to blow that groundswell of citizen activism out of the water.

And it starts by signing our "Stop Censoring the News!" petition today.

When you join our campaign to expose how the liberal media censor any news that threatens their leftist agenda, you will receive a free "Stop Censoring the News!" bumper sticker!

The liberal media are completely out of control and so in the tank for this Administration that they're willing to stoop to the level of their third-world counterparts: protecting their political overlords at all costs even if it means hiding the truth from us.

Only the MRC, with your help, can hold the media accountable for this abomination.

Click here to sign our "Stop Censoring the News!" petition to send a powerful message to the media, letting them know that you refuse to allow the NEWS media to CENSOR the news.

This is a critical time for our republic. We are in the throes of a fiscal calamity brought about by crippling debt, anti-free market economic policies, and unsustainable entitlement programs. In times like these, journalists need to be at their very best.

And what do we get instead?

Shameless leftist partisans posing as journalists censoring any news that could derail the Administration's radical agenda.

The MRC is launching the "Stop Censoring the News!" campaign because it is imperative for conservatives to confront the liberal media's deplorable practice of suppressing the news.

Join us today and receive your free "Stop Censoring the News!" bumper sticker.

Thank you. Together, we will blow the lid off the liberal media's unethical campaign to hide the truth from the people.

P.S. After you sign your "Stop Censoring the News!" petition, please chip in a tax-deductible contribution to help fund MRC's efforts to expose the liberal media's schemes to censor the news.

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