Saturday, February 23, 2013

How Obama's Kooky Energy Policy Fails Taxpayers

The man in charge of the federal government's National Renewable Energy Laboratory makes a cool ONE MILLION DOLLARS per year and his two top assistants each make more than a half million. And nine other employees who work under him makes $350,000 each. It's all overseen by a $533 million government-funded management company. 
How far did your dollar stretch this week -- AFTER that payroll tax hike and with gas at the pump creeping up toward $4 again? Hmmm? 
PS: The billions that have been siphoned into renewable energy under Obama have yet to produce even a fraction of the promised return. Meanwhile, Obama and the Democrats won't let us tap the energy bonanza that's sitting right under us or just off our shores. 
You voted for it, America. Enjoy it!

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