Friday, February 1, 2013

Independence Hall Tea Party: Say 'NO!' On Hagel

A special message from the Independence Hall Tea Party Association:

Dear Members and Friends,
From the Hagel nomination to gun control testimony to the 'gang of 8' framework for a comprehensive immigration bill, this past week on Capitol Hill has been an overwhelming disaster for the future direction of our nation. (If only Romney had been elected President!)
Following on the heels of the 'fiscal cliff' debacle in which 77% (not 1%) of all adult Americans were hit with tax increases, the bad news continued to flow out of Washington--a shrinkage of the economy in the last quarter of 2012 and an up tick in the unemploymen rate. Shocking!
But the worst omen of the week had to be Senator Chuck Hagel's outrageously poor performance during yesterday's US Senate Confirmation Hearing--reaffirming our opposition to his nomination as Secretary of Defense (please see press release below.)
The vote on Hagel's nomination has yet to be scheduled--and due to the filibuster-- there is a chance that he could go down to defeat. Only 41 Senators are needed to stop him.
Please call the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121 and ask to be connected to your US Senators (DE: Biden, Carper; NJ: Lautenberg, Menendez; PA: Casey, Toomey).
Senator 'Sleazy' Menendez's vote could be critical.
Politely request that your US Senators vote against Hagel's confirmation as Defense Secretary.
For direct contact (phone, email) information for your Senators, visit:

Also, call the White House comment line @ 202.456.1111 and tell President Obama to immediately withdrawal this embarrassing nomination.
Impacting public opinion by writing letters to the editor and placing calls to talk radio shows is another course of action that would be greatly appreciated!
Calls us @ 215.620.3055 if you have any questions or suggestions. Tell us how you made out.
Many, many thanks!
On behalf of the Association Board,

Teri Adams

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