Monday, February 25, 2013

Keep NJ Moving Forward; Support Chris Christie!

I'm with Chris Christie

Here's a special message from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie:

People said New Jersey’s problems were too big, too politically charged, and too broken to fix.

But together we've moved New Jersey forward:
  • Created 103,000 private sector jobs since taking office
  • Passed three balanced budgets without raising taxes
  • Saved taxpayers $120 billion through honest pension reform
  • Cut hundreds of millions of wasteful spending
Our progress is real. We have a reason to be optimistic.

But New Jersey needs leadership to continue fighting for the principles behind our success.

That’s why I want to tell you personally of my plans to seek re-election as Governor of New Jersey.

I have faith in New Jersey. Our best days are ahead of us. 

In each and every community, we’re empowering businesses to take risks; to build a bottom up future full of prosperity.

We’ve worked together to take action on the big issues facing New Jersey, and we’re the better for it.

My decision to run for re-election was one I made with the input of Mary Pat and our children. They believe, as do I, that we can do more to improve the great state of New Jersey. I would be honored and humbled to once again have your support.

While the polls look good now, we both know the powerful special interests will stop at nothing to return New Jersey back to yesterday’s politics. Your financial support is critical to keep New Jersey’s progress going strong.

Continue to move New Jersey forward:


Chris Christie

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