Saturday, February 2, 2013

Koch, The Movie Reveals A Fascinating Personality

While we were in Manhattan former New York City Mayor Ed Koch passed away.
He was always one of our favorite people.
We liked him for the same reasons that we like Chris Christie.
We liked the fact that Koch was genuine -- no pretenses. What you saw was what you got.
We liked that he was frank. There's was no doubt about where he stood. If he disagreed with you, you knew it. He pulled no punches.
We liked his passion. He cared deeply -- and it showed, always.
We liked that he gave the job his all. He could have invented the term "all in." His life certainly defined it.
He had conviction. He stood for something. He worked hard. He was a leader -- not a follower. He never led from behind. Nothing sheepish about him. And as far as we could tell, he was honest. They were never able to pin anything on him.
We always had the sense that Ed Koch never lost touch with ordinary people. He respected them. He understood that he worked for them. He wasn't condescending. Being trendy was not important to him. Being right was.
We also liked him because he was interested in many things -- life, movies, the popular culture and the city that he loved; to name a few. He was a fully-formed, multi-faceted human being and he had a great sense of humor -- sharp and incisive.
Now, a new documentary about Ed Koch (titled simply, Koch) has opened in New York and will soon open elsewhere. We're looking forward to seeing it.
BTW: In a video at the New York Times website (a video which Koch and the Times agreed would not be shown till after his death) Koch says "Do you miss we, yet?"
Oh yes, we do, Mr. Mayor. Indeed we do!

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