Sunday, February 24, 2013

Live Blogging The Oscars - Part Nine; More Awards

Liam Neeson looks like he's had work done -- especially on the forehead and around the eyes. Nice job, though.

Watching a clip from Lincoln we're reminded of just how monumental this film was/is. Impressive.

A dreadful joke by MacFarlane about Lincoln. Dreadful. tasteless. Yes, 150 years and it is STILL too soon.

Big Ben flubs his lines.

Garner and Chastain. Colors clash.

AMOUR wins for best foreign language film; just as we predicted.

Something wrong with the coloring with Seth's hair. Or is he wearing a toupee? Well, that's what it looks like, anyway.

Travolta looks like he slimmed down.

CHICAGO musical number. We love it: Hollywood has to steal from Broadway to make the show interesting. Zeta Jones looks and sounds great. Jennifer Hudson with her trademark song from DREAMGIRLS.

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