Thursday, February 28, 2013

Newman Society: Join In Prayer As Pope Departs

A special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

Today Pope Benedict XVI steps down from the papacy. With great love for our holy and wise professor-pope, whose leadership and teaching have meant so much to Catholic families and educators, we offer him three things today:

1. Please join us in the prayer composed by The Cardinal Newman Society's chaplain. (For a prayer card, send us your address.)

2. Tim Drake reports on reflections on Pope Benedict's legacy by Catholic college presidents.

3. Our pledge to Pope Benedict: the work he so fervently encouraged--the renewal of faithful Catholic education--will go on!

In this our 20th anniversary, The Cardinal Newman Society is committed to redoubling our efforts to promote and defend the best of Catholic education.

And we're joined by faithful Catholic educators nationwide. If you're near Benedictine College in Kansas today, be sure to listen for the bell ringing in honor of the Pope. Or look for academic events studying Benedict's legacy at Ave Maria University and other Newman Guide colleges.

Each of us can do his part in service to God and His Church. Today we do it in tribute to our beloved Pope Benedict. May God bless our Holy Father!

- Patrick J. Reilly, President

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