Thursday, February 21, 2013

NJ First Lady Lauds Storm Funds From Rite Aid

New Jersey First Lady and Chair of the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund Mary Pat Christie will join Rite Aid executives at the Rite Aid located in Point Pleasant, N.J., on Friday, Feb. 22, at 11:30 a.m. to receive funds for the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund. The check presentation will take place at the Point Pleasant Rite Aid located at 3258 Bridge Avenue. During her visit, Mrs. Christie will also meet with area Rite Aid associates, who will share their Hurricane Sandy experiences.

Rite Aid officials will present Mrs. Christie with a $50,000 donation from The Rite Aid Foundation as well as $229,622 donated by Rite Aid customers and associates during its in-store fundraising campaign last year. The nationwide, in-store fundraising effort raised a total of $459,244 and is being donated in equal amounts to the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief and the Empire State Relief Fund. The funds support the rebuilding efforts of the communities in New Jersey and New York most affected by the storm.

“We are so appreciative of Rite Aid’s partnership and support, and the thousands of Rite Aid customers who answered the call following the worst storm in our state’s history,” said New Jersey First Lady Mary Pat Christie, Chair of the Fund. “These generously donated funds will be made available to non-profits active in the relief effort who are on the ground doing amazing things for families, businesses and the impacted communities. Our Fund aims to be a long-term financial resource in the months and years ahead to help New Jersey come back better and stronger. We are only able to do so thanks to the generosity of tens of thousands across the country and globe.”

Ken Martindale, Rite Aid chief operating officer and president of The Rite Aid Foundation, explained, “So many lives were forever changed by Hurricane Sandy. Mrs. Christie and the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund has been an invaluable resource to residents across the state as they continue to rebuild. We are proud to present Mrs. Christie with The Rite Aid Foundation donation, as well as the funds so generously donated by our customers and associates, to help the fund continue to provide assistance to the residents of New Jersey most affected by Hurricane Sandy.”

The Rite Aid Foundation previously announced a $100,000 donation to the American Red Cross for relief efforts and also donated several truckloads of water, personal care and cleaning supplies to the most affected areas. In addition to the $50,000 awarded to the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund, The Rite Aid Foundation also pledged $50,000 to the Empire State Relief Fund.

Rite Aid operates 262 stores in New Jersey, several dozen of which were included in the 800 Rite Aid stores closed during the height of Hurricane Sandy. All stores have since reopened, many within days of the storm making landfall. The company’s Lavallette store, which sustained significant damage, was completely rebuilt and features Rite Aid’s latest store format, a design centered on health and wellness and rooted in innovation.

The Rite Aid Foundation, founded in July 2001, is a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to helping people in the communities Rite Aid serves. Since its inception, The Rite Aid Foundation has awarded grants totaling more than $15 million to approximately 1,250 organizations in 629 communities. For more information on The Rite Aid Foundation,

Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE: RAD) is one of the nation’s leading drugstore chains with more than 4,600 stores in 31 states and the District of Columbia and fiscal 2012 annual revenues of $26.1 billion. Information about Rite Aid, including corporate background and press releases, is available through the company’s website at

Established by Gov. Chris Christie and chaired by First Lady Mary Pat Christie, the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund (HSNJRF) is a nonprofit organization that raises and distributes funds to organizations in support of the long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts of New Jersey communities affected by Hurricane Sandy. For more information,

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