Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Here's How You Can Help Support Catholic Values

Here is a special message from Catholic Vote:

There's a showdown on the streets outside the Supreme Court.

Gay marriage supporters interfered with pro-marriage marchers.

Drag queens are scandalizing children.

This morning police had to separate gay marriage supporters from those marching for marriage as a union of one man, one woman.

CatholicVote is a proud co-sponsor of the first March for Marriage. And CatholicVote staff is on the ground helping to organize volunteers today in Washington D.C.

If you support marriage, please take a stand and make a contribution now!

Inside the Supreme Court, attorneys are arguing in front of the Justices over the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act and California's marriage amendment.

With your help, the CatholicVote Legal Action Fund submitted an amicus brief in support of the people of California to pass a constitutional amendment in favor of marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

During this Holy Week, marriage itself is on trial. And while the Court is not expected to rule until June, we can influence the public debate as the Justices debate among themselves.

Every child deserves a father and a mother.

Pray for Supreme Court Justices.

And pray for the future of marriage in America.

Support CV today.

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