Thursday, March 14, 2013

Jobless Youth: GenOp Fights Back

Generation Opportunity, a national, non-partisan organization advocating for Millennials ages 18-29, is announcing its March Madness-themed campaign, “Millennial Madness,” to highlight the devastation young people are experiencing as a result of record youth unemployment reported in the group’s monthly Millennial Jobs Report.

At the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Generation Opportunity’s grassroots field team will engage thousands of young people, raise awareness of the 1 in 6 young people who don’t have jobs, and offer free resume consultations to young job seekers.

Generation Opportunity’s booth will be streaming live feeds of NCAA conference championship games and CPAC attendees will be able to face off against each other at full-size arcade basketball games. Generation Opportunity sincerely hopes participants will have a higher shooting percentage than the current youth unemployment rate.

“Since the beginning of the Great Recession, Washington’s government-driven ‘solutions’ to address unemployment have prolonged the crisis and made things worse for young people. My generation has spent years without access to real opportunities, and we refuse to let politicians continue to mortgage our future,” said Evan Feinberg, President of Generation Opportunity and one of the first Millennials to run for Congress. “We’re using wide interest in college basketball as a chance to start a conversation and enlist young people to demand that politicians consider the interests of young people, rather than cater to special interests. More freedom and less government is the recipe to get this economy moving — but, in the meantime, we’re also going to look at young peoples' resumes to ensure they are competing as best as they can in this very tough economy.”

Evan Feinberg will also be featured in a panel discussion, “The Future of the Movement: Winning with Generation X/Y,” today (Thursday) at 4pm in the rooms National Harbor 2-3.

Follow on Twitter @GenOpportunity.

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