Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rand Paul: No One Person Decides The Law

We're at CPAC now and Rand Paul has the crowd on its feet and they're not sitting down.
Paul says that his message for the president is very simple: "No one person gets to decide the law."
This is what he says his fight is all about.
He quotes from Lincoln, Montesque, and Eisenhower, among others.
Rand Paul's remarks are brainier that Rubio's. He's every bit as committed but somewhat more contemplative. He poses lots of questions. He doesn't raise his voice as much. He seems more analytical.
Rubio wants you to believe more. Paul challenges you to think more. "Think about this and this and that," he seems to say. And he knows that when you think about these things (the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the nature of freedom) you'll begin to see that his arguments make sense.
"We need to jealously guard ALL our liberties," Paul says as he talks about the right to keep and bear arms.
And now Paul is on to the popular culture and he's talking about the Facebook generation and says this generation "can spot a hypocrite a mile away." He says the Facebook generation knows that "there's nothing progressive about bailing out millionaires who produce solar panels."
He adds that "the only stimulus that
ever works in the one that allows people to keep more of the money they've earned."
He warns that the old "GOP has grown stale and moss-covered" and he adds "I don't think I need to name any names here."
His whole thing is liberty, liberty, liberty and the crowd loves it.
He offers Reagan's law: "When government contracts, liberty expands."

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