Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Museum: A Rage Gem!

One of our favorite places in Colonial Williamsburg is the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Museum of American Folk Art (top photo).
Colonial and contemporary artists and craftspeople work outside the mainstream of academic art to record aspects of everyday life, making novel and effective use of the materials at hand. Bold colors, simplified shapes, and imaginative surface patterns can be seen in the variety of paintings, carvings, toys, needlework they create.
The Folk Art Museum offers changing exhibitions of American folk art from its permanent holdings and museum loan shows. It is a rare gem and it connects with the equally fine Decorative Arts Museum.
We have visited this museum several times and always find something new to discover.
Of course, all of Williamsburg is a delight as you can see from the photos above. If you've been there before -- go back. If you've never been -- hurry. Put it at the top of your list!
All photos copyright 2013 by Dan Cirucci.

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