Monday, April 1, 2013

Christie Conditionally Vetoes One; Vetoes Another

Today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took action on the following legislation:


S-1761/A-1011 (Gorden, Weinberg/Vainieri Huttle, Wagner, McHose, Ramos, Handlin, Wisniewski) - CONDITIONAL - “PANYNJ Transparency and Accountability Act”

While on the surface the bill purports to make a credible attempt at expanding transparency at a single government authority, it actually falls short of applying the same transparency and accountability Governor Christie has sought to apply to all multi-jurisdictional authorities, including the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The legislature has refused to take up that “Shadow Government Reform,” which he proposed in March 2011. The Governor’s conditional veto today amends the legislation to incorporate “Shadow Government Reform.” The conditional veto also notes that Governors Christie and Andrew Cuomo of New York have worked in tandem to reform the Port Authority. Together they ordered a comprehensive audit of the Port Authority’s 10-year capital plan as well as a top-to-bottom management review of the Authority’s finances and operations. The audit is presently underway and has already spawned changes which have lead to tens of millions of dollars in cost savings at the Authority.

 “New Jersey’s “Shadow Government” has persisted for too long. I urge the Legislature to join my Administration, along with the taxpaying, rate paying and toll paying public, to quickly concur with these long-needed reforms and end the era of secretive governance and spending,” the Governor said in his conditional veto message.

S-1322/A-1998 (Sweeney, B. Smith/McKeon, Chivukula, Stender, Barnes, Vainieri Huttle) - ABSOLUTE - Clarifies intent of P.L. 2007, c.340 regarding NJ’s required participation in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

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