Sunday, April 14, 2013

Justin Bieber: What The Hell's Up With Him?

What the hell's happening with Justin Bieber?
Apparently he visited the Anne Frank house near Amsterdam (where he will be performing) and in the guest book there he reportedly expressed the sentiment that he hoped Anne Frank would have been a fan of his music.
Hey, you know -- Anne Frank had other issues to face beyond what kind of music to listen to. And it seems to us that the Big Issues that Bieber sings about in his songs somehow would not have resonated with Anne Frank. And that would probably be the case even if she had survived and was around today.
Trivializing -- in any way -- the story of Anne Frank? Not a good idea.
Here are Bieber's exact words:
"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber."
A ‘belieber’ is the name given to the singer’s fans.
Well, to his credit Justin did spend more than an hour at the Anne Frank Museum.
He's a 19-year-old kid who probably doesn't have much of a traditional education and he's had the added dilemma of being a child performer. He's growing up (or not growing up) too fast depending on how you look at it.
It's not the kind of life normal, everyday people can relate to. But, we don't want to make too many excuses for the guy.
Eventually, time will run out on Bieber and if he doesn't transition he will begin to look like a jerk and/or he will fizzle out.
Though we're not fans of his music (would hardly know a Bieber tune if we heard one) we'd hate to see that happen because to us he still seems like a fairly nice kid. He seems genuinely likable and there's no denying he has talent. No doubt about it. And it's fair to say he also has a certain amount of star quality.
But even all of that will only get you so far.
So, c'mon Justin. Evolve!

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