Thursday, April 25, 2013

Live Blogging George W. Bush Presidential Center, 5

Now, we're seeing a video about W.
This is obviously a lead up to his own remarks.
"I never wanted to be a wartime president but when war came to our shores on 9/11 I was determined to protect our country. I had a job to do, and I did it."
"Life is service till the end."
Now, President Bush is speaking and he begins: "Oh, happy days!"
"There was a time in my life when I wasn't likely to be found in a library, much less found one."
"This library has my name above the door but it belongs to you."
He refers to the former presidents as "42, 41 and 39."
He says to the world leaders present "I'm honored to have you here in the promised land."
He singles out Vice President Dick Cheney for praise and says he "served with loyalty, principle and strength."He adds: "History will show that I served with great people."
President Bush looks ruggedly handsome and delighted. His thick gray hair becomes him. His skin remains smooth. His eyes still have that sparkle. His easy smile still ingratiates.
"This is the first time in history that parents are present to see the dedication of their son's presidential library." He has wonderful, kind words for his mom and dad and adds: "Mother, I promise to keep my part [of the library] clean."
"In politics, you learn who your real friends are and our friends have stood with us every step of the way. Elected officials must serve a cause greater than themselves. leaders are defined by the convictions they hold. My deepest conviction is that the united states of America must strive to expand the reach of freedom. Freedom is a gift from God and the hops of every human heart."
"Independence from the state does not mean isolation from each other. Public policies must promote private compassion."
"We stayed true to our convictions."
"When freedom came under attack, we made the tough decisions required to keep the American people safe."
"I'm retired from politics but not from public service."
"Ultimately, the success of a nation depends on the character of its citizens and I had a chance to see the character of the American people up close. I dedicate this library with unshakable faith in the future of our country. Our nation's best days lie ahead."
And now, President Bush is openly weeping.
A deeply, deeply touching scene -- a real, genuine leader; a secure man who knows himself; knows where he comes from; knows who he is and what he believe; knows why he's here; knows what he values and who he loves.
God bless President Bush!

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