Monday, April 1, 2013

Noted Psychic Predicts 2013 World Series Winner

She predicted Justin Bieber's meltdown.
She foresaw the economic collapse of 2008 and the stock market's soaring comeback this year.
She accurately pinpointed the score of the Super Bowl and Baltimore's stunning victory.
And she saw ominous clouds hanging over Carnival Cruise Lines.
Now, for the year ahead she sees problems for the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals and a real fight to the finish between the Atlanta Braves and the Philadelphia Phillies.
But in the end, noted psychic Regina "GiGi" Balusco sees the Phillies winning it all, including the world series.
"It'll go to seven games," she says. "And the last game will be a nail-biter. But I see a big parade to the ball park in Philly before the year is over. It'll be a suprise because right now I don't think any of the so-called experts are predicting the Phillies will land on top."
Balusco, a Brooklyn native admits she's always been a Mets fan but when it comes to America's pastime "I have to say what I see."
She says she's been receiving snapshots of the future since she was a little girl helping out at her parent's business, a local bakery. "Sometimes, when customers came into the bakery shop I knew what they were gonna buy and how much they were gonna spend even before they opened their mouths. And this happened even with people who'd never been into the shop before. I knew what they wanted and how much they wanted. It just came to me. Not all the time, but enough that it would shock people."
Balusco says she doesn't know how or why she's able to see into the future and her expertise cannot be targeted or strategized. "If you ask me a specific question, I can't tell you 'Yes, this is gonna happen or no, it's not gonna happen,'" she explains. "And I never know what I'm gonna see or what realm it's in. It could involve celebrities or sports or politics or finances or whatever. But I do know when it's a vision and I'm quite certain of that."
Balusco says that after Pope Benedict XVI gave up the papacy she got a call from her uncle Francis (Frankie) who served as her godfather at confirmation and then returned to Italy many years ago. "I hadn't heard from him in ages and I was overjoyed. We had such a wonderful conversation. So loving. And when I hung up the phone I told my sister 'the next pope will be named Francis.' I just knew it. It just came to me."
Any other predictions for the rest of the year?
"Yes," Regina said. "Unfortunately, this summer's weather will be particularly extreme and turbulent especially in the Midwest and East. We'll have some very bad storms. There will be significant damage."
As for additional details and the rest of 2013, Regina adds: "I just won't know till I see it and I never know when that's gonna happen."

Note: This story is fabricated and was posted as an April Fool's joke. 

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