Monday, April 22, 2013

Ohhhhh, Those Fabulous Key West Sunsets!

No place in the continental United States boasts sunsets like Key West. No place.
This nightly show is never quite the same -- varying not only night-to-night but minute-to-minute and second-to-second as well.
It begins with a bright yellow blaze and then turns warner and golden. Its then fiery and naked in all it's splendor. At that point you might think the show it over because the obvious, final visible form of the sun has melted under the horizon.
But the best is yet to come: blue and pink and violet and all the tones in between amidst dashes of grey and white.
Thousands turn out to gaze night after night.
And, no wonder.
This is a show no human can produce and no amount of money can buy.
 A pure, incandescent natural wonder!
All photos copyright 2013 by Dan Cirucci.

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