Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pope's 'Nearness' To Weather-Ravaged Argentines

Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., in the Holy Father's name, sent a telegram to Archbishop Mario Aurelio Poli of Buenos Aires, Argentina expressing the Pope's deep concern for those suffering from the severe weather and heavy rains that have devastated that country's capital, killing 56 persons to date and wreaking enormous damage. Following is the full text of the message.

“Pope Francis, deeply upset by the news of the serious damage caused by the torrential rainfall of the past days, prays to the Lord for the eternal rest of those who have died. At the same time he wishes to express his paternal closeness to all the victims and their families.

“Also, the Pope urges civil and ecclesial institutions, as well as all persons of good will, to offer their assistance with love and a spirit of Christian solidarity to those who have lost their homes and personal goods. With these thoughts, the Supreme Pontiff imparts to all those affected and all those offering assistance, his consoling apostolic blessing as a sign of his nearness to the beloved Argentinians.”

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