Friday, May 10, 2013

Boston Cardinal Boycotts Boston College Graduation

Here is an important, special message from Patrick J. Reilly, President of the Cardinal Newman Society:
Just this Friday afternoon, The Cardinal Newman Society learned that Cardinal Sean O'Malley has publicly challenged Boston College for inviting pro-abortion commencement speaker, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny.Cardinal OMalleyHe urged Boston College to "work to redress the confusion, disappointment and harm caused by not adhering to the Bishops' directives."Cardinal O'Malley also publicly opposed Ireland's proposed abortion law, which PM Kenny has staunchly advocated.

Despite the good news, our work's not done until Boston College rescinds Kenny's speaking invitation and honorary degree.  Please pray for this, and please continue to support the essential work of The Cardinal Newman Society!
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Read the details about Cardinal O'Malley's boycott at our Catholic Education Daily.

- Patrick J. Reilly, President

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